Love Letter bouquet


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Send that message of love through this customized Floral arrangement by designer’s choice of seasonal flowers and foliage meticulously set in a cute envelope bag. A sure way to express your love, celebrate a special occasion or make someone feel so special! This envelope arrangement is your love letter to that special person.


Send that message of love through this customized Floral arrangement by designer’s choice of seasonal flowers and foliage meticulously set in a cute envelope bag. A sure way to express your love, celebrate a special occasion or make someone feel so special! This envelope arrangement is your love letter to that special person.

***For pick up leave a note in your order for specific pick up date & time. Note that orders need to be placed 5-7 days before specific pick up date. For delivery options, we recommend that you place your orders at least 5-7 days before the special occasion. Expect delivery period 3-5 days after payment confirmation. An email or text will be sent to you when flowers are out for delivery.

NOTE: All the blooms in my flower arrangements are grown and harvested directly from my own garden. Be advised that the varieties and blooms in each flower arrangement are subject to changes based on the season and what’s available for harvest during the Spring to Fall season. Pictures in this arrangement are for reference only and subject to changes. As a florist, I still accept orders outside the growing season like Christmas, Valentines Day or for any other occasion (birthday, anniversary, celebration of life, etc), however, I have to sourced out flowers which can affect the variety and bloom counts in the arrangement.


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